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your immune system

Strengthen your immune system

If the immune system is weakened, the human body can be confronted with various ailments. These include colds, sinus infections, sore throats, and acute or chronic coughs.


Traditional Chinese Medicine is often used successfully to counteract these immunological complaints.

Frau stärkt Immunsystem mit TCM
Erkältung mit TCM behandeln

From the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), above all, sufficient Qi ( What is Qi ? ) n the body is necessary to ensure a good physical defense function.


With acupuncture and its sub-methods, Qi and blood are regulated with the aim that the desired amount of Qi is available on the body surface for defense. With the help of Chinese herbal medicine and nutritional recommendations, the body is supplied with important substances in order to build up Qi, make the body surface resistant and optimize the relationship between Qi and blood.


Find out more about important home remedies to strengthen your immune system and which tea to drink if you have a cold. Check out my blog->



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