Q & A
Q & A
How much does a treatment cost?
The hourly rate for a treatment is CHF 156.​
A prescription for Chinese medicines costs CHF 39.
If several prescriptions are prescribed, each prescription is charged at CHF 39. If several prescriptions are written at the same time, the cost of each additional prescription is reduced to between CHF 13 and CHF 39, depending on the work involved. The prescription will be shown on the invoice under phytotherapy.
If a prescription for Chinese herbal medicines is renewed outside of a consultation in the practice, e.g. by email, WhatsApp or telephone, the time spent on the medical history will be charged on a pro rata basis. This service is shown on the invoice under anamnesis.
Communication by email, WhatsApp and telephone is free of charge, provided it concerns short, therapy-related questions or emergencies. However, if the communication relates to longer, therapy-related content that leads to an anamnesis, the time spent on this will be charged on a pro rata basis and also listed under anamnesis on the invoice.
Can I cancel my appointment?
Appointments can be canceled up to 24 hours in advance via the booking management system.
After this deadline, appointments will be charged, even in the case of acute illness. You can find more information on this under: “I have an acute illness, can I still come to therapy?”
I have an acute illness, can I still come to therapy?
I am a federally certified naturopath and trained as a first point of contact for acute illnesses. You can therefore keep your appointment if you have an acute illness. In this case, the focus of therapy will be on your acute illness or, if appropriate, combined with your original complaint.
If you still do not wish to keep the appointment, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance. After this period, the appointment will be charged, even in the case of acute illness.
Will my health insurance pay for my treatment?
I am recognized by all health insurance companies. Most health insurance companies cover the costs of treatment through supplementary insurance for complementary medicine. The scope of reimbursement varies depending on the insurance company. Please check with your health insurance company before treatment.
What is the treatment procedure?
The first appointment lasts 1.5 hours and includes a detailed medical history, acupuncture treatment and, if necessary, a prescription for Chinese herbal medicines.
A follow-up treatment lasts 1 hour and includes a short debriefing, acupuncture treatment and, if necessary, Chinese herbal medicine therapy.
A treatment can also include only Chinese herbal medicine therapy. Treatment times are shorter for this form of therapy alone. In addition, some follow-up treatments can be held via telephone or video call.
How much do Chinese herbal medicines cost and are they covered by health insurance?
The costs vary depending on the contents of the prescription. Monthly costs are expected to be around CHF 200 to 250. The costs for the medicines are covered proportionately by supplementary insurance. Please check with your health insurance company before treatment.
What is the ordering procedure for Chinese herbal medicines?
I order the prescription for the medicines directly from the Swiss specialty pharmacy for Chinese medicines.The herbal prescription is sent to a pharmacy near you and can be collected there a few days later. The invoice will be paid directly to the specialty pharmacy and the enclosed reimbursement voucher can be submitted to the health insurance company.
Is acupuncture painful?
Acupuncture is not painful for most people. Because thin, sterile, disposable needles are used, the puncture is hardly noticeable. However, the sensation of pain varies from person to person. If pain is felt during acupuncture, I change to extremely thin needles to counteract this. My aim is to make the acupuncture treatment as painless as possible.
I am afraid of needles. Is Chinese medicine still possible?
Acupuncture is just one of the many treatment options offered by Chinese medicine. If you don't want needles, you can also be treated with Chinese medicines (herbal medicine) alone.
How long does a treatment take?
A treatment lasts one hour. Exceptions are first appointments, which last 1.5 hours.
How often do I have to come to therapy?
At the beginning of the therapy, weekly appointments take place. As soon as the first improvements in symptoms are noticeable, the treatment intervals are extended to every two weeks initially and later to three to four weeks.
Acute complaints usually require fewer sessions, while long-lasting chronic illnesses usually require several treatments. The duration and effectiveness of the therapy are individual and depend on various factors, such as the basic constitution, age, duration of the complaints and the regularity of the treatments.
Privacy policy
A data protection declaration is filled out at the first appointment.