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Hay fever

Hay fever

Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, manifests itself as symptoms such as frequent sneezing, runny nose, tearing, itching of the nose and eyes and nasal congestion. It occurs from spring onwards and can last into autumn. The duration mostly depends on the sensitivity to the different pollen.


From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, a weak immune system combined with an internal pathological accumulation of moisture favors the basis for hay fever. This is activated in the spring by external wind and leads to the symptoms mentioned above.

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Hay Fever Akupunktur

In the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, Chinese medicines and dietary recommendations are used in combination to counteract the symptoms. It is very advisable to start treatment before the acute phase. During the treatment, the body's defenses are strengthened and internal pathogenic moisture is cleared in order to make the body more resistant to the "attack" of allergens. TCM thus creates a good alternative to antihistamines, cortisone and desensitization.

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